Our Mission

To help as many people as possible to have the best health they can imagine through spinal alignment, lifestyle modifications and wellness coaching. 

Our Purpose

To be examples of and to help others achieve long-term health and wellness naturally while educating them in chiropractic care so they can educate others.

Our Philosophy

Better health through better living means you must have a plan. We believe in prevention and maintenance care through Diet, Rest, Exercise, Alignment, and Mental Clarity. (D.R.E.A.M.)


Frequently Asked Questions


What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is the form of health care that uses spinal adjustment to restore the proper function of the nervous system.  Its is a form of care that focuses on allowing the body to heal naturally. Although spinal manipulation is at the core of chiropractic treatments, Central Chiropractic Clinic focuses on pain relief alternatives for muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissue, such as cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. 

How many times do I have to come into the office for treatment?

The number of treatments depend on the extent of your injury and care.  Our doctors may recommend a certain number of treatments depend your injury or condition, but it is ultimately up to you.  Regular treatments are recommended for pain management, especially if the initial injury results from a traumatic accident or trauma. 

Do you only handle back-pain?

Back-pain is only the beginning of chiropractic care.  Our office handles a number of sports injuries like sprained ankles, tennis elbow, frozen shoulders, headaches and so much more. Central Chiropractic Clinic treats muscles, bones, joint and connective tissue injuries.  For more information, call our office and speak to a chiropractor directly about what you want treated.   

Do I have to have pain to see a chiropractor?

Of course not.  May of your patients come back for pain management or maintenance. Whether they have already recovered from a car accident or just sit at a desk all day at work, most patients come back to be treated regular to prevent future joint and muscle issues. 

What methods are used at your office?

Central Chiropractic Clinic uses a number of techniques depending on your needs.  Other than general full spine and extremity adjustments we do total body modification, applied kinesiology, sacral-occipital technique, muscle steadiness, activator techniques, pelvic blocking, manual traction, trigger point therapy, various massage therapy and other forms of physical therapy modalities.  Your body is designed to heal naturally, and these methods are implemented into our practice to help make it a quick recovery. With the latest digital mapping technology, we are able to pin-point where treatment is needed in order to minimize pain and speed up recovery. 

How much do treatments cost?

Treatment costs depend on the type of trauma and the extent of the treatment needed.  Our office has a number of programs for pain management and we do accept some insurance plans.  Best way to determine cost is to schedule an appointment or speak to our friendly staff about payment options. We do offer payment plans as well, depending on the care you or your family need.

Where do I start?

The best thing to do is call our office and speak to a chiropractor directly.  They can answer all your questions about the care you may need.